Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Byron Bay

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

So I haven't had wifi for a while, and a lot has happened!! I still have tons of Nabiac photos to share, as well as a few from my weird last week in Byron. I'm currently exhausted and in a five hour bus ride to Sunshine Coast, so I'm just going to give brief high/lowlights.


Day 1: arrived at 9pm, met all the 9 other people in my teepee, and was dragged out to a dance bar. The people I was with were mainly English and German, and the guys were overly touchy and flirty, and the girls were pathetically into it. I was welcomed in, until I didn't flirt back and then was ignored. Fun dancing, however. Went back and crashes after 2am. Ps. Fun fact, they don't sell shots in NsW. It's illegal! And their drinks are hella expensive and weak.

Inside the teepee!

Day 2: walked down the beach a bit, explored the town, and discovered delicious cheap foods from Aldi. Met a guy from Indiana who used to work on the same street, in the same parking lot as me (we knew three of the same people as well. Totally tiny world.), watched an open mic night with him, and played a trivia game with the whole hostel on a team with some of the best people I met, and won a little day trip to Nimbin.

Stunning beaches.


Day 3: last night in the teepee, hung out outside with my friends Olivier and Louise (French and English couple. Super hilarious) playing drinking games, guessing truths and lies about ourselves. Super fun, lovely people. That was the evening, and during the day I took the Nimbin trip, and hung out with a girl I met from Manchester. We drove on this cool hippy bus with a rad South African tour guide. Nimbin is just a stoner town now, overlooked by the police. As soon as you get off the bus people are offering you weed cookies and magic mushrooms. Everything is weed related. Super weird, and everyone is suuuuuuper out of it. Then the bus went to a campground and we made a massive BBQ, stopped at a waterfall, and then came back. It was interesting, and meh.

Weedweedweedweedweedweed Jesus.

A little walk the tour took us on.


Day 4: found a free tent to stay in, in the middle of the campground attached to the hostel. Tiny, with broken zippers. The proceeded to go to a travel agent and book my greyhound to Cairns (I can hop off and on whenever for 90 days in one direction) as well as a three day/two night camping trip on Fraser Island where you ride around in 4x4's cause there are no roads (I get to drive, fuck yes) and swim in drinkable lakes and chill with dingos while watching tiger sharks breed off the coast. I also booked a two day/two night sailing trip in the Whitsundays where you sleep on the boat, snorkel in several locations in the Great Barrier Reef, and go to the finest/whitest sand beach there is: White Haven. And I also have a little tour of Magnetic island as well, and a three day/two night kayak trip that they threw in for free, but unfortunately I think is booked when I'm in that particular town so I may sell it. But yeah! Fuck yeah, trips! Anyway, after booking, I think I went to the beach for a bit. Then I met back up with my travel adviser who was a sweet girl from Sweden who said I was her soulmate. I went to her hostel and played Kings with her, a guy from Denmark, a girl from Canada, two from Finland, and an English guy. From there we went out, and the Swedish girl kept buying me drinks as we were on the dance floor. Drinks in. Oz seriously blow. I've been here a month and am yet to gain anything from the booze other than an immediate headache or heartburn. Nice night though.

The trips and note she wrote me on the bag!

Day 5: I believe this day I walked really far down the beach toward the mountains. And after a while, there were less and less people, but also less and less clothes. I found myself in a nude beach on accident, with about 5 older men walking around. Two of which stopped me to talk. One seemed creepy and I was obviously uncomfortable, so he covered himself up. Another guy walked up and chatted as well, a friendly enough guy, then they let and I sat to have my lunch, and the friendly guy walked back over. Only this time, I was sitting and he was standing. Not covering himself. Facing me, feet spread, pelvis aimed directly at me, hands on hips. He was cheerful and harmless, but it was fucking weird. That night I woke at 1am to my feet sopping wet from the rain. Tent had flooded. Had to move all my stuff, use my towel, booklet and a few sweaters to sop it up, change clothes, and cut the strings and tags off the inside of the tent, cut holes into the door and tarp, and had to tie them together to keep the tent from getting anymore water. Everything was sopping in the morning, so I sucked it up and did the $4 a load laundry (don't you ever complain to me about your $2 loads again, it's $7 a load if I had gone into town) spending $12 in total to dry everything. The rest of the nights were much drier, but much harder on my body.

Not naked on the naked beach.
I can literally hear everyone breathe we are so close together.

The aftermath of my finagling through the storm.


Day 6: rain all day. Drew in a coffeehouse, left to eat my usual cheap tuna and baked beans, and went to a different coffeehouse and got the cheapest thing on the menu so I could draw more. A couple stopped me on the street and talked about my drawing, left, and then came back and ended up sitting next to me. They were probably in their 60's and from southern England. We chatted a bit, and they felt very homey. Like surrogate parents or something. It was a brief but lovely interaction. When they left they took my picture with my drawing, gave me their card and said to stay with them if I'm ever in s. England, and blew me a kiss goodbye. When I went to pay for my little bowl of fries, they had done it for me. A little brightener to my damp few days.

Finally done!
This one is still very much in progress. The head and hands are done, however. His name is Jasper.

Day 7: Drew more, all day. Family next to me didn't eat the fries they ordered, so I got them for free! Two days of fries in a row, not bad. Then I left and walked to the beach for the final time, and watched a dusty sunset over the mountains, with silhouetted surfers in the water. I looked the other direction, and pitch black out at 6:30 pm realized it was the lunar eclipse! So I walked over to the other side of the beach and sat down to watch. I could hear a Spanish trumpeter in the distance behind me, a white reggae boy with his drum circle next to me, and traveling fire dancers and swallowers were next to me. It was pretty cool.



All these days are mixed up and poorly written, but it's the basic gist. Will fix it up later when I'm not on a crammed bus next to a pretty Italian. Love y'all. Ciao.


Monday, April 7, 2014


Monday, April 7, 2014

Hey y'all. So, as a few of you are aware, I've been in the middle of fucking nowhere since Friday. I took a lovely 6 hour train ride from Sydney to Taree, and then this woman, Karen, picked me up to take me back to my first workaway. She lives about 5ks from the nearest anything, and is right in the thick of the bush about a half hour from Forster. She lives in a tiny house with solar energy, and rain barrels. She eats like shit. She has a big steel storage container with bunk beds and a roll of toilet paper for backpackers. I have to pee outside. Showers are 3 minutes max, and there is a kangaroo named Koolie that lives I'm the house. She also has three cats, two of which are kittens named Snuggles and Smooch. She has a red-necked wallaby named Birapie who hops in every night for dinner with her Joey in her pouch, and an unnamed possum comes in for some banana and oats as well. There are fake bats and frogs hanging all over the house, and loads of white bread, beer, and kraft singles cheese. She wakes up at the ass crack of dawn every day and deals with her land and finds absurd things to do until around noon when she has lunch and then plops down in front of the tv to watch Judge Judy and Dr. Phil, while surfing the net on her ipad for the rest of the night. She has backpackers come in to do the hard work in exchange for cheap food and the (actually rather cozy) little storage container. She is a bitter woman, who hates everything/one except her animals and land, and just assumes everyone is like her. I'm a "silly city girl" who comes from a place that "seems like hell." She won't ever be visiting Indiana, that's for sure.

On the first full day, up at 8am, we headed out into the rainforest to pull lantana plants. Lantana is a huge bush/tree that is EVERYwhere, over growing her shit. So my job, in full pants, long sleeves, boots, leech spray and bug spray, at 80 degrees and full humidity, is to pull these things from the thick, and then rip out their roots. I did this for about two hours until I couldn't pull anymore. Then it was off to cut down skinny gum trees to make a canopy for her table. I had to carry trees, on my own, through the forest up to the house. Then we pulled weeds, and cut up logs. I wouldn't have minded the lot of it if I had, at least once, received a "thank you." So then it was lunch. More white bread. Then, it rained. Nothing to do, nowhere to walk or go, so I sat in my room and played music all night until a very unhealthy dinner was served. After that, we took some beers and went to her neighbor's place. They had 4 dogs, 5 mini ponies, chickens, roosters, ducks, and a ferret. The woman had on a white shirt and pants that were absolutely filthy, as was every other part of her. Her boyfriend was deaf and they ignored him, and her son's name was Decklin or something. I was introduced as "another backpacker. From Indiana this time." Then I was also ignored for two hours as they chatted by the fire. On the way home the night was brightened by the visit of a tawny frogmouth.

Sunday, it was my day off. Up at 7, headed to the markets. There, I bought a pair of hippy/genie pants (which got a hole I had to sew up the next day), before we headed out. Then Karen proceeded to drive me into Forster, drive past pretty things very matter-of-factly, stop for a second, and ask me if I wanted to get out to take a photo before moving on to the next spot. We went to a lookout, and there was a little trail. "You can take that walk if walking is your thing. I'm gonna wait in the car." Wait. What? Seriously? So naturally, I called mom to complain. Then we made a worthwhile stop at this road that had trees filled with hundreds of flying foxes, and a wedge tailed eagle flew over! That was rad. Then we stopped at the Green Cathedral, which is a worship spot outside, in the middle of a palm forest, at the edge of a lake viewing mountains. Really beautiful. On the ride home she drops the bomb that, on my day off, I have to supply my own food. Excuse me? So we stopped at a dominos and the pizza guy gave me a deal for a $4 pizza to last me for lunch and dinner. She said it was cause "I didn't do any work and she carted me around all day." Woah. No. I just thought we were going to the market and the beach because she wanted to and she enjoyed it! But no, it was out of obligation, and we were back by noon. Also, I was introduced to at least six more people as just "the backpacker." It's like I'm not a human to her. Just something to help her get her work done, who she shows around out of obligation to contract. Buh. Plus side, I met and pet and fed the possum that night. And learned that leeches can climb doors and that here, they are fucking EVERYWHERE.

Monday, moved 11 more trees, dug up several hundred pounds of gravel from the river, and filled in holes in the driveway. Then we watched tv. I leave tomorrow. Thank god, Byron Bay Arts Factory Hostel, here I come.




Total sightings: tiny lizards, kangaroo, wallaby, 10 paddy melons, tree frogs, tawny frogmouth, Joey, leeches, blue bees, ponies, dogs, cats, magpies, whip birds, bowerbird and bower, kookaburra, and more. Holy fuck, made this hell worth it.

Thursday, April 3, 2014


Thursday, April 3, 2014


Holy FUCK my bag is heavy. I'm going to come back to America with a spine that looks like a stack of pancakes.



Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Wednesday, April 2, 2014



(Information to make this post make sense: Scott left for Melbourne yesterday for a few days, which overlaps with me leaving for Nabiac on Friday. Thus, I've just been running errands and spending the days alone again like before. Just going to coffee houses till they close at 4 and then coming home for the rest of the afternoon/evening and watching Sabrina the Teenage Witch and blogging. Obviously exciting and a good use of my time. Nabiac is a 5h30m train ride away which I head out for on Friday morning at 7am. I'm having a hard time feeling excited, as I'm just scared shitless because this is the actual beginning of my traveling. Sydney I lived with a friend, met his friends, and had the time to learn the city. Starting now, I will no longer have that same luxury.)

Actual post: Sorry for so many posts in one day. This is what, number 4? This one isn't as cute or fun though. Traveling is fucking hard. Today and yesterday I've just felt like total shit. Three weeks ago I did as well. It's so hard coming to a new place and not having anyone. Or if the people you do have work all day and then stay in. In the month I've had in Sydney, I made one really close new friend. At the moment, he's my best friend as all my buddies at home are nearly impossible to reach other than my mother (who I would die with out. I love you so much, mom. Thank you). Though I'm not good about keeping in touch either a lot of the time lately, it still sucks to be completely cut off from everyone you love, and obviously forgotten or ignored by others. One person in particular promised not to just stop talking to me, and I haven't heard from him in three weeks already. Another person just speaks to me as If we're acquaintances now. Others just don't even bother. A lot didn't even wish me a happy birthday (<3 to those who did and those who stay in touch). Out of sight, out of mind I guess. So, now I have this kind, caring, fun new person in my life, who says all the right things and takes me on exciting adventures who I'm just starting to get to know, and I'm leaving. I have to start all over again. I have to go through the lonely cycle again until I find a new temporary friend. I get that this comes with traveling, I get that I'll have to get used to it. I get that they aren't really temporary and some will be lasting, but it really doesn't make it suck any less. I hope I find some people to travel with me. Because if this is going to be the cycle for the next year, I'm going to turn into grey, chalky dust.

Also, I'm just really freaked as I said in the first paragraph. I'm actually starting traveling now rather than just living in a new city. I knew I could do that, I did it in Bloomington and Indianapolis. But now I have to do it almost weekly, and not get down while doing it. It's so hard to remember to enjoy what you're seeing and doing when you're alone a lot of the time. Don't get me wrong, I love alone time. I miss living alone and spending a lot of time with myself. But that's when you know you have back up for when you no longer feel like being alone. Before, I could just walk three feet and knock on Nick's door. Or I could call Ian. Or Viva. Or Johanna. Or Rachel. Or someone. Or anyone. But now, I can't just call people. I have to meet them. And then I have to find ones who will come with me, so I don't have to keep meeting people I only see for a day. It's hard to want to try to make friends when you know you only have a day. It's also hard to call friends when you're lonely, cause loneliness comes mainly at night. And when it's night for me, it's the fucking wee hours of the morning for my friends and family.

One thing is for sure, I'm definitely going to come back a changed person. If I can handle this shit for the next few months, then I'm going to be a much stronger, more independent person. And a much weirder, smarter one I'm sure. Strange things are headed my way in the coming months, and yes I AM extremely excited for them. I'm just a fraidy cat who gets attached too easily and wants friends. Bugger. But at least i'm getting tan and blonde as all getup!


And, I fucking miss my cat.

I even have DREAMS about her.



Fun Aussie facts 'n shit

Some things that are new and different, and things I've learned being here a month that I though y'all at home may find of interest.
What we know as a Red Pepper (or yellow or green) Aussies call a "Capsicum"
They have a blanket term for all squash, which confused the hell out of me the first day. They call them all all Pumpkins. Threw me off when they were giving me "pumpkin bread" with my sausages.
They hate this shit. This shit we know to be Cilantro, which they know to be Coriander. There are Facebook pages about how much they loathe it.

Arugula. They call it "Rocket." Cute, eh?


And the worst, is our Oregano. We say or-egg-an-o. They say or-ah-gaaaahhh-no. I think of that Wingardium Leviosa line and giggle every time. I thought my roommate was kidding for about a week when he would order extra extra or-ah-gaaaahhh-no on his pizza. Precious Aussies.

Other differences: Australians party hard. There are a lot of uppers going around all the time (ex, molly, ritalin, adderall...) and they all drink like fish and smoke even more. According to Scott, they were all late bloomers. Remember those girls in high school who were angels and didn't touch a drop of alcohol or ever try a cigarette? Remember how now you see pictures of those girls in college next to bath tubs full of vodka bottles with smeared red lipstick and a Busch Light in each hand? It's kind of like that but not trashy or that over the top. They were all just good kids in high school, and party pretty hardy now. This isn't everyone, but it's a lot of those guys you see in suits during the day. The secret life of the business Aussie.

They also all travel. A lot. Partially due to the fact that their minimum wage is nearly $17 an hour or something. Cost of living is high here, as they pay by the fortnight, and a case of cheap shitty beer is between $50-80. Sunscreen here is $25 a bottle for god's sake, but their wages make them pretty wealthy when they pop over to America and the rest of the world. Pretty cool. Also their Medicare system is badass, as are their schooling systems. And they have strict gun laws, and have only had like one case of abduction combined with rape/murder in like 10 years or some insane shit. Everyone is nice and everyone is wholesome (with the usual exceptions, of course). They just like to have a good time.

Bogans. Guys, seriously. You would love them. They are the Australian equivalent of rednecks/white trash combo. These are the most quoted YouTube videos ever here, and I've seen the train station one happen in real life. I swear it. Pure gold.

Trent from Punchy


Damo and Darren 'Train Station'

I'm learning to speak Bogan quite fluently these days, thanks to Damo and Darren here. I here "gimme me loyyytahh" from rando people all the time! Everyone quoting it. Feelin' like I fit in now that I'm good at it. I can say "yah fahking cahnt!" quite fluently now- peoples are impressed. Sorry Mom and Dad :)

Other things...milo. Everyone loves milo. Milo and sausages. Well, not together. But multiple times a day. And meat pies. Meat pies with ketchup.

Delicious. Like healthy, protein-filled hot chocolate. Also yummy cold. Scott's roommate, Scotty, would have equal parts milo, equal parts milk. 1:1. Or 1:1:1 with Nutella. Fuck, right?
I like American sausages better. I miss me a good breakfast sausage. Sigh.

So. Goddamn. Good. America, you need to catch onto this trend. They have a chain called "Pie Face" where they sell all kindsa pies. With faces. Adorable.

And yes, these guys (among others) are everywhere.


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Last weekend in Sydney

Tuesday, April 1, 2014
On Saturday Scott and I got up early and took the ferry from Cronulla to Bundeena for our camping trip. It had been over four years since I had really camped (and it was a disaster) and was my last weekend in Sydney, so this is what we decided on! When we got there we found a nice little campsite by the mangrove trees, as well as a giant lot of damp, reflection-filled sand. From there we went into town and got some cocktail franks, English muffins, wine, coffee, and veggies. When we got back we grilled everything up using only my pocket knife and cardboard as our utensils haha. Then I proceeded to spill a full glass of red wine all over myself! Had to wear giant bloke clothes for a while. When we got back to our site, the tide had come in and the sand turned into a giant, opalescent, 12" deep lake! Super stunning, surrounded by cliffs with expensive homes on them. After dinner, we went on a lovely night hike, and then ventured out for a walk in the water.
View from our tent in the morning, the ravens took over our rubbish bag. Er, trash bag...The Aussies are getting to me, guys.
Very, very high up

So many different kinds of rock formations and crazy colors, every section was different
Tide pools!
Sitting on the edge of the earth
Brave soul.
On Sunday we were woken up at 8am by the very loud, disturbing laugh of the kookaburra, as well as annoying camping children. We hopped up and went to breakfast at a place called the Cookie Café back in town, which was delicious. Then we started our venture. Bundeena is a small town surrounded by forest on all edges, so we set out along the coast to the national park. We walked along the beach for a while, where we found a giant, white, hairless dead dog. Had obviously been there for ages and was all bloated and bluish. The most fucked up part, however, was the fact that its whole body was intact except its face. Its face was just a skull. Pretty fucked.
Anyway, once we got past that, we started the trail which we quickly veered away from. We found some aboriginal rock drawings, which was what the path led to, but then continued up and up along the beautiful rocky cliffs. The rocks were pink and green, red, orange, yellow, black, white, and purple. They were all sorts of shapes and movements, sizes, textures. So stunning. Tons of tide pools as well, while we were still at sea level. But we traveled for several miles before reaching the highest point. At this time, we had been hiking for about five or six hours in the beating sun with no shade or trees whatsoever. Smart move, as you can see at the bottom of this post. Anyway, at the very top of the cliff we found another dog skeleton but this one was clean! Not a dingo, unfortunately, they don't live around here. But still cool, and I kept the pelvic bone. Then we found the path again, and took it back into town where we got some pineapple and cheese sandwiches at a little restaurant.
The dog pelvic bone, shells I collected, and some feathers I found the previous day!
In all it was a really lovely trip. Scott and I played games like "would you rather" and "never have I ever" all day, stopped several times for snacks, and just enjoyed each others company as well as the gorgeous weather (which we were especially thankful for, as it had rained Monday through Friday -__-) Once we packed up, exhausted, we set back to the house when the sunburn started to set in. I definitely had sun stroke, but a full dinner of pasta and The Parent Trap were a great remedy:)


Heh heh your face, Scott.