Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Monday (St. Patty's Day) was a great day.

In the morning I got up super early and walked downtown to the the tenth floor of a fancy office building, where I proceeded to take a five hour barista course! I was nervous at first, but it ended up being really badass. I've always had an obsession with coffee, and now I finally had the chance to learn it! The course was three hours of learning the basics (i.e. how to froth milk, how long a good shot should extract for, how to make all your popular drinks, standard temperatures...etc) and the last two were a test over everything, as well as latte art! So fun and so fucking hard. I spilled so much milk that morning. But in all, I passed and am now a nationally accredited barista!

Then in the afternoon, I met up with Scott, and we went to Coogee Beach. We walked around a bit, and then found this great little rocky cliff overlooking the ocean. We sat there and talked, and then watched the moonrise! MOON. RISE. Seriously. It was the first time I've ever seen that happen before, and it was incredible. The moon was huge and reddish! Such a lovely experience.

Also, Saturday I went to a secret-location-German-techno-warehouse rave. Super sick. People from all over the world! That's where I met the previously mentioned Scott. We all danced (my housemates and buddies came with me) and then he and I chilled outside in the ally, exhausted, while everyone was all still raging to the same song until sunrise. Well, until the cops showed up at 5, anyway. Super crazy, rad fucking night.


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